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The idea of Eco Services was founded upon the need for providing excellent environmental regulatory consultancy services in India. This covered the entire ambit of Environment starting from the development projects inception with an Environmental Impact Assessment all the way to actual site operations.


The services covered in our core business are as below:

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Studies

  2. Site Assessment Studies- Environmental Due Diligence, Socio Impact Assessments as required by private organizations & ESIA (Environment & Socio Impact Assessment studies) as required by multilateral funding agencies

  3. Authorizations from State Pollution Control Boards- Consent to Establish & Operate (CTE & CTO), Hazardous Waste Authorizations

  4. Other regulatory approvals- Ground Water NOC, CRZ Clearance (Coastal Regulation Zone)


Environmental Impact Assessment Studies

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an environmental decision support tool, which provides information on the likely impacts of development projects to ensure that the development options under consideration are sustainable.  In doing so, environmental consequences must be characterised early in the project cycle and accounted for in the project design.

​Since 2006 we have carried out over 110 EIA studies for >100 prestigious government and private organizations.


We are a young and dynamic team with cross functional backgrounds ranging from Civil, Architecture & Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Microbiology and Socio-Economics providing solutions under different verticals.


Sustainability & Supporting Services

When we normally conceive the Environmental Impact Assessment of our projects we address a range of sustainability issues such as:

  • Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plans

  • Socio Economic Assessment

  • Afforestation & Greenbelt Development

  • Water Reuse & Recycle

  • Waste Reduction Methodologies

  • Energy Conservation Measures

  • Optimal use of Land & Built Up space

  • Utilizing long-life low-impact raw materials

  • Monitoring & Reducing Air emissions & Liquid effluents


In addition we offer expert solutions in the below fields along with our associated company Total EHS (

  1. Occupational Health Safety and Industrial Hygiene for Industries/ Urban Built Environment

  2. Feasibility Studies & Due Diligence Studies

  3. Sustainability reporting, GHG Accounting, Energy & Water Auditing

  4. Restoration of rivers & water bodies

  5. Geospatial Technology Services covering a wide range of applications of Surveys, Hydrogeology, Geo referencing etc.

  6. Sensor based monitoring applications for Air & Water Quality

  7. Data Analytics & Decision Support Systems




Dr P Kalaiselvan

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Director - Technical


15 years of work experience as an
Environmental Consultant in Environmental Management, Urban infrastructure and
Sustainability Services in India. NABET accredited EIA Coordinator

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Elango Kamalasekaran

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Director - Growth


​3 decades of entrepreneurial experience in Start ups & Development of Organizations in the fields of Environment, Infrastructure & Sustainability

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JC Sekar

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Director - Strategy & Development


3 decades of diverse, result-oriented corporate experience across sectors, geographies and functions. CEO and Co- Founder of AcuiZen Technologies (Singapore)


Environmental Consultants providing environmental solutions for urban infrastructure and industrial developments since 2006

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